**(watch out, these songs might be loud)**


Genre: Funk, Acid Jazz

  I discovered Jamiroquai from a friend of mine a while back, and I have come to realize that he has an excellent taste in music. Jamiroquai's mix of funky beats and almost embarrassing lyrics leads to something I really vibe with.

  Jamiroquai's lyrics are so goofy that I can't listen to some of their songs because of it. Like (Don't) Give Hate a Chance is such a weird song that although the song itself is good I can't listen to it sober. I've realized that goofy lyrics is something that I tend to gravitate towards. If the song is totally normal, what's the fun in that?

Other listening recommendations: Cloud 9  |  Time Won't Wait  |  Stillness in Time

Steely Dan

Genre: Pop, Rock

  This is another band with silly lyrics. When I say silly, I mean more along the lines of incredibly cryptic. I look up the meaning of some of their songs and people are still theorycrafting just what they mean!

  Glamour Profession was my introduction to Steely Dan. I heard it from a Secretary Bird presentation for grade 6 science class, which is quite possibly one of my favorite videos on the planet. Like that video is genius.

  Anyway, their songs are great, and they're certainly my go-to band I listen to constantly. I don't hear much positive stuff regarding their work in the mainstream, but that's not fair, dammit! Their mix of jazzy rock and weird lyrics speak to me. The Royal Scam album is one of the most stacked albums out there and you can't change my mind about that.

Other listening recommendations: Peg  |  Haitian Divorce  |  The Nightfly


Genre: Hip-Pop, Rap

  My good friend Jude turned me onto MF DOOM. I made a playlist from the songs that he showed me. I showed this playlist to other people. The other people liked MF DOOM and added it to their own playlists. Rinse and repeat until everyone I know is an MF DOOM fan. That Jude character is a visionary.

  Doom's rhyming is super funny. You look at a lyric sheet for any of his stuff and you go "what the hell is this?!" but then you listen to the song and you think "damn this song slaps."

Other listening recommendations: One Beer  |  Bomb Thrown  |  Doomsday

Kanye West

Genre: Hip-Pop, Progressive Rap

  I mean what more do you expect is Kanye. He's got some hitters and the only downside of listening to his music is when you wince during Flashing Lights when he calls the paparazzi worse than the nazis. 😬

Other listening recommendations: Champion  |  Touch the Sky  |  Can't Tell Me Nothing


The Hateful 8

Genre: Mystery, Western, Drama

  An absolute masterpiece of story telling. Each scene slowly builds up all of these interlocking pieces of the story, for an incredible and satisfying ending. It is beautiful looking. It's beautiful sounding. It's 4 hours long. It has Channing Tatum in it. What more could you want in a story?

  The soundtrack for this movie is also incredible. I bought the vinyl soundtrack, and there are occasional interludes of snippets of dialogue from the movie, which is really cool. It gives the vibe that the dialogue in the movie itself is as worth listening to as you would a song.


Genre: Drama, Comedy

  This movie was recommended to me by an Italian guy I met freshman year in college. Funny story, when I said that I liked movies he started talking about how he liked Woody Allen movies. I didn't know who he was at the time and foolishly mistook him for Woody Harrelson! I had a whole conversation with this guy thinking that he liked Venom 2! But then he started going on about how he is totally innocent and how he didn't sleep with his own daughter like everyone says and thats when I realized I dug myself a hole when I said I loved his movies.

  It was his first time in America so I weaseled my way out of that by saying I mistook him for an American actor (did not say the guy from Zombieland) and called it a day. He said his favorite film was Carnage and I watched it later that week. It was fantastic! It's a bunch of people in a room getting more and more angry with each other as they desperately try and manage an extremely tense parent meetup. I recommend bringing a bunch of friends together to show them this movie without telling them anything about it. You won't regret it. If you have good friends, that is.


Genre: Mystery, Comedy

  You know I'm starting to realize just how much I like movies that involve people stuck in a house being uncomfortable with each other.

  Clue is not one of the best films out there, but it's definitely one of my favorites. It's just so damn charming! Tim Curry is so good, and the comedy is just so dry and weird and hilarious. The actress for Ms. White I think was disappointed with her lines given to her by the script, because she says and does so many innocuous random funny things.

Freddy Got Fingered

Genre: Worst movie ever

  Easily one of the worst/my favorite movie ever. Can't even describe this movie without just showing you.


Ok here is actually a tier list of every game that I remember playing ever. Not updated recently but realistically speaking I only play like the same 5 games over and over again.



Not the best but still pretty damn good

Honorable mentions


New tech: Hover over the brilliant Borderlands 2 items and discover a small little explanation for why they are on the list. NOTE: THIS WAS A PAIN IN THE A** TO CODE!

Really useful shield, especially on the OP levels.
-The Bad Touch-
AWESOME corrosive SMG that you get from Moxxi. Great for when you just start fighting loaders.
The BEST grenade in the game. No gimmicks, just throw it at them and they die. Shrimple as that.
Really cool concept, can be three different guns. Favorite is the slow moving shotgun-type one.
-Grog Nozzle-
Heals for 60% of ALL DAMAGE DEALT WHILE HOLDING IT. Completely broken and necessary on OP levels.
-Unkempt Harold-
Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever.
-Lady Fist-
Completely broken gun with an 800% crit rate. Completely bonkers and breaks the game because of how easy it is to get.
Really solid pistol for mid-game and really easy to get because it's a mission reward.
-Love Thumper-
A shield that boosts melee damage. Really good/fun on melee builds.
Also known as the White Death on XBOX versions. Probably the best sniper. Crazy fire rate and high damage.
-Magic Missile-
Really good for slagging people; especially as Zer0 because you can throw grenades while invisible.
-Sand Hawk-
Solid SMG that becomes BUSTED when using it with The Bee. You need a PHD in BL2 studies to know why though.
Great for setting up B0re shots as Zer0 but thats really it. But doing that is cool tho.
THE posterchild of hitting enemies with a slag weapon then switching. Very useful.
Literally worse than the Amigo Sincero but I used this to kill Chief Ngwatu so I like it better.
-The Bee-
My personal favorite item in all of BL2. Turns any build into a glass canon one. Super powerful, super useful.