Hello! This is a space for the various ideas I have that couldnt make it in the home page button list. Not enough for a full page but still something I want to share. Also this is unfinished, so if it don't look done, it aint! Also, I created a list of my favorite things, to be found HERE!! Pokemon ShowdownOk, so basically I wanted to create a part of my site where I show the three people that will ever view this a little glimpse into the teams that I use a lot. I then learned that in order to do it the way I wanted (lifting sprite assets from Smogon and all that jazz) and use a bunch of them to format my teams. I then learned that this would be a complete nightmare.![]() Take a look at this guy right here^. This guy right here required a whole line of code to implement. Now imagine what it would be like to put multiple 6 Pokemon teams WITH the associated Pokepaste link all in this area. It would be a nightmare! I'd have to put each of them all into their own box and link them all... sounds like a lot of time spent on something that ultimately no one will pay serious attention to. So screw it! Here is a cool team that I built. No icons, just a plain ol link to my team. Gen 9 UU format, the best format in the world. https://pokepast.es/42b814ea002c784f Console HackingI love hacking video game consoles! I've hacked a 3DS, a Playstation 3, and a Nintendo Switch. I've also done modifications on my DS Lite. Going against the manufacturer's wishes and downloading Homebrew is so much fun! I got banned from online services on my Switch but it was worth it. The other day I figured out how to pirate Switch games directly onto the console so now I don't worry about anything anymore.LetterboxdOk I have over 200 reviews for every movie I remember well enough to have an opinion on. Almost all of these reviews will never be seen by anyone other than MAYBE my good friend jude and possibly my other good friend Katherine. They also have Letterboxd accounts. Badas.my badass babe![]() jealous?😏 |